Thursday, October 11, 2007

Evidence to support a strong presumption that counsel rendered adequate(assistance and made all significant decisions in the selling out underage....

DEFENZOR: A NEWSPAPER FROM THE HEART & SOUL OF AZTLAN 608 Indiana Street, Robstown, Texas 78380 (361) 387-6216 email: ... Note: The posting here do not reflect the position of El Defenzor newspaper nor its staff. This board was created to encourage a mutual dialogue on improving matters in our community.
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DID.......Attorney General Alberto Gonzales covered up a major pedophile scandal???? just going to let Karl Rove get away with his jonBe atlantic airline......
Posted on September 3, 2007 at 11:40:14 PM by binomial

Or is Watt they are saying true?

Do not be used again by these so called Republican Party People.

They never cared about anyone except their coverups JFK/RFK/MLK........Hunt them down like the disgusting gimps they are.

God is so nosy that I bet he has a camera just waiting to "accidently" arrange a you tube immaculate transmission.

God bless Americas and the Soldiers who are/were fighting for the freedoms that this country's rich history prides itself on.

But My God when you prevaricate to insure a conviction you are no better than the neighbor that asserts he bares false witness against you.

Colin Powell I bet feels like a dumdum.

Rick James Perry.....I will let the great Dave Chappelle handle it classy .....My name's Rick James......Bi&^h

The Intelligence Daily. Peak Oil: May 2006




Sex Trade

Traffickin Miscellaneous~propaganda the "underage boys" can buy beer, vote, or have the knowledge to assert there ^th amendment rights and these losers want them to have the "legalized" ability to consent?

Sexual harrassment Baby........yo Scott Brister does this qualify as a "Ring of hell"?

Why don't you try defining this "ring" in hell......I assume it is based on Dante's vivid description of the different levels of hell? Which "ring" is required to qualify?

Republicanismville these are the kind of people you like to call your own?

File a claim in hell and then get in at the BACK of the line.......NO CUTTING!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

This group is another sicko in the war against humanity......I believe they are badly in need of a "WAKE UP CALL"

Andiamo, andale, arriba, arriba, arriba,arriba, arriba, arriba,..................

"I'm Waiting"~ as spoken by the Sonic the Hedgehog.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales covered up a major pedophile scandal
Wed, 28 Mar 2007 11:49:00
The war criminal in the living room The war criminal in the living room
The media is silent, Congress is absent, and
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' "loyal Bushie" U.S. Attorney for Western Texas covered up a major pedophile scandal with the connivance of the Justice Department's Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, already under pressure for firing several U.S. Attorneys not considered "loyal Bushies," now faces another scandal. Albert Moskowitz, the Chief of the Criminal Section of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, sent a letter dated September 27, 2005, to the Superintendent of the Texas Youth Commission's West Texas State School youth detention facility declining the prosecution of two of the Texas agency's employees -- Ray Brookins and John Hernandez -- for engaging in sexual molestation of 10 underage males incarcerated at the facility. The charges of molestation were originally brought by Texas Ranger Brian J. Burzynski. Earlier, in a July 28, 2005 letter, the Assistant US Attorney for West Texas, Bill Baumann, who works for US Attorney Johnny Sutton, a close friend of Gonzales, sent a letter to Burzynski declining federal prosecution in the pedophile case. In a decision that indicates that the Gonzales Justice Department defines child molestation in very narrow and high threshold terms, Baumann wrote that the young men at the West Texas facility that claimed they were raped by Brookins and Hernandez did not sustain "bodily injury" or "bodily pain." Baumann also defined aggravated sexual assault as resulting from a "perpetrator knowingly causing his victim to engage in a sexual act (which can include contact between the mouth and penis) by force against the victim or by threatening or placing the victim in fear that the victim (or any other person) will be subjected to death, serious bodily injury or kidnapping). Baumann stated, "I do not believe that sufficient evidence exists to support a charge that either Brookins or Hernandez used force to cause victims to engage in a sexual act."

Astonishingly, Baumann also writes that "none of the victims admit they consented to the sexual contact" with the juvenile facility employees. However, Baumann then suggests that the underage males came on to the prison guards and were "simply 'getting off' on the school administrator. Baumann also indicates that "many students" were "retained at the West Texas State School long after their initial release date" but that "it would be difficult to prove that either Mr. Brookins or Mr. Hernandez prevented their release." The clear indication is that Brookins and Hernandez kept the boys incarcerated in order to continue to sodomize them. Baumann, who appears to be borrowing heavily from the tracts of the North American Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), suggests that sex between the underage males and detention facility personnel is perfectly legitimate as long as the sex is consensual. There are also reports that detained youth in the Texas Youth system are transported from various facilities for purposes of prostitution.

After the allegations about abuse at the West Texas detention facility became public, Hernandez was forced to resign as principal at a Midland, Texas charter school. A Ward County grand jury is investigating the case.

There are now reports that pedophilia extends to other youth detention facilities in Texas. The Texas Sheltered Care Facility in Nixon, in south Texas, is being investigated for the abuse, including sexual molestation of detained Latin American immigrant youth housed at the center. The facility is operated by Away from Home, Inc. Some 72 children were relocated from the facility after the abuse charges were raised. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services investigated the Nixon facility and hreferred the case to US Attorney Johnny Sutton and the FBI. However, once again, Sutton decided "the alleged activity, which as the focus of the investigation, could likely be more effectively addressed by the state of Texas prosecutorial authorities." FBI agent Erik Vasys told the Houston Chronicle that the FBI was "disappointed" in the failure of the Justice Department to bring charges. Presidential adviser Karl Rove has been implicated by child welfare advocates in Texas in the failure of the Justice Department to prosecute the Texas child abuse and pedophilia cases. Indictments in the case prepared by the US Attorney for West Texas were reportedly spiked on the orders of the White House and Justice Department.

Baumann states that Burzynski "thoroughly investigated the allegations brought to your attention by the Texas Youth Commission" and promptly interviewed all witnesses and victims, gathered appropriate documentation from school officials and executed a federal search warrant at the residence of Mr. Hernandez at West Texas State School in Pyote." Baumann concludes, " It is my opinion, however, that our office's resources would be better employed investigating and prosecuting cases involving more clearly defined violations of federal criminal law."

The decision of the Gonzales Justice Department to decline prosecution of pedophiles within the Texas Youth Commission juvenile detention system mirrors its failure to take prompt action last year in the case of former Representative Mark Foley (R-FL), whose e-mails with underage male congressional pages were turned over to the Justice Department for investigation. On October 3, 2006, WMR reported the following:

"WMR has learned from informed sources in the Justice Department that the salacious e-mails from Rep. Mark Foley were leaked to ABC News by career Justice Department prosecutors and FBI agents who are incensed that Attorneys General John Ashcroft and Alberto Gonzales covered up the House page scandal for political reasons. The back story of Pagegate is that there was a criminal conspiracy by the top political leadership of the Justice Department to cover up the predatory activities of Foley and other GOP members of Congress since at least 2003 and, likely, as early as 2001."

Rove and Gonzales look out for the interests of NAMBLA in the latest scandal to rock the Bush administration. Bush family continues its long family tradition of promoting and protecting pedophiles.

The GOP Congress and the Justice Department, under orders from the White House, successfully covered up the Pagegate scandal. Similar acts of pedophilia involving sodomy and other sexually explicit conduct with underage males were carried out at the U.S. detention center in Abu Ghraib, Iraq. The Donald Rumsfeld Pentagon, with the support of the White House, covered up those incidents. Pedophilia and the Bush family spans two generations. George H. W. Bush covered up a major prostitution scandal involving underage males in the late 1980s. The scandal involved the use of child prostitutes and congressional pages, some of whom were given midnight tours of the Bush White House by the late GOP lobbyist Craig Spence. According to The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraska, by former Nebraska Republican State Senator John DeCamp, the 1980s scandal also involved Nebraska's Boys Town orphanage, child prostitutes from around the country, NAMBLA, top GOP officials in Nebraska, including Franklin Savings and Loan chief Lawrence ("Larry') King. The Franklin Scandal, as it is known, also implicated George H. W. Bush in at least one sexual encounter with a 19-year old African American male named Brent.

Pedophilia and the Bush family also extend to Florida. While Jeb Bush was governor, the Florida Department of Children and Families "lost" a number of computer files and falsified other files implicating state employees and foster parents in serious cases of child abuse. There were also cases of children in state care, including a five-year old Miami girl being "lost." Democratic state legislators in Florida laid direct blame for the incidents at the feet of Jeb Bush.

Note: There is no middle ground with pedophilia. Either government officials prosecute pedophile offenders or they do not. If they do not, it is clear that they are either pedophiles themselves or aid and abet in pedophile activities. In either case, it is a crime. Congress and the FBI should take a close look at Alberto Gonzales, Albert Moskowitz, Johnny Sutton, Bill Baumann, and Karl Rove.

If an article has been reprinted in full, The Intelligence Daily has either secured permission to publish it and/or the original news source has allowed other websites to publish its material under fair use.

4.5 / 5 (23 Votes)


* Alberto.....Ramsey in Atlantic party or just Colorado for a Carr - By #$%0#$%0#$%0 September 3, 2007 at 11:52:13 PM

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Corpus Christi Watchdog Authority: Fwd: [Bay of Pigs] Judge Westergren has been given the opportunity to produce the ...


Did you not receive the attachment word doc? The original email went to you and a private investigator by the name of Don Shawver. Don Shawver conducted an investigation on DMC Regent Linda Garcia. We feel it is in the Public's Right to know the details of this investigation and the person or entity who funded it. Did the Caller Times hire Mr Shawver and if so why not the same scrutiny of all the other candidates? A DMC Public Records Requests turned out nothing significant except the fact that DMC answered it (the FOIA request) readily before the time period. I understand that there is an agreement between the In House Counsel (DMC) and the Caller as there is a recording of the in house counsel responding to what he believed to be a Caller TImes Reporter. The Reporter was questioning the in house counsel regarding the following published FOIA request:

Corpus Christi Watchdog Authority: Fwd: [Bay of Pigs] Judge Westergren has been given the opportunity to produce the ...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

CCISD board President Henry Nuss AQUIESCED. CCISD eagerly supplied pedophile with young patients - even after he had been publicly charged.


-HEADLINE- SERPENT IN THE GARDEN/Inaction lets abuser roam unmolested

-DATE- SUN, 01/14/1996


-PAGE- 1








-ART- Mug: 1. James Plaisted (color); Photos: 2. Carmen Alvarado (color, b/w on p. 14, 4-star edition); 3. Assistant District Attorney Adolfo Aguilo (b/w, p. 14); Graph: 4. Plaisted timeline (b/w, p. 14, text)

-PHOTOGRAPHER- 2., 3. D. Fahleson / Chronicle, 4. Houston Chronicle

-CORRECTION- CORRECTION: The Citizens Commission on Human Rights was established by the Church of Scientology, but is not funded by the church. Correction published 1/28/96.




-TEXT- .

CORPUS CHRISTI - James Plaisted was a respected child psychologist, a deacon in one of the city's largest Baptist congregations and the father of four.

He also was a child molester so brazen he escorted little girls into church and fondled them under his coat while listening to the sermon.

Parents knew. So did church pastors, school officials and state regulators. But few did anything to stop him, and those who tried were remarkably unsuccessful.

It took 10 years to get Plaisted behind bars. Only he knows how many children he molested during that time.

Last month, Plaisted - already serving a two-year federal prison term for luring a Texas patient to Boston to continue molesting her -was brought back to Corpus Christi in chains.

He pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting four girls and was sentenced to 40 years in prison.

State regulators have yet to revoke his license to practice psychology.

""I think the Plaisted case is the model of what happens when the system fights with itself," said Susan Snyder, a Kingsville attorney and former prosecutor who tried to lock up Plaisted in 1992.

""Obviously, there have been safeguards in place to prevent this man all along, but either (state officials) were too lazy or too busy, or too scared of the politics of going and yanking this man's license," Snyder said. ""It's not the legal system failing. It's the people within the legal system that refuse to let the legal system work."

It's not as if no one tried.

Carmen Alvarado, the mother of the first child to accuse Plaisted more than 10 years ago, sought criminal charges against the therapist and filed an ethics complaint with the Texas Board of Examiners of Psychologists. She alleged that Plaisted had fondled her son's penis during a late-night counseling session.

Alvarado called the Parkdale Baptist Church, where Plaisted, 46, was a deacon.

""They said they were leaving it in God's hands," she recalled.

""I don't think they were thinking straight at the time."

She went to other parents. She got no help.

In the end, it was just her son's word against Plaisted, who told a Corpus Christi jury in 1986 that the 6-year-old child was a habitual liar and a pyromaniac who derived sexual excitement from setting fires. It didn't help that a new prosecutor was assigned to the case just before trial.

The jury acquitted Plaisted; his practice continued.

""It made me mad because when I went for help, all I asked was for them to testify," Alvarado recalled. ""We lost because my son was the only witness we had."

""It was a very tough call to make," said another victim's mother. ""And looking back, I really should have crucified him, but I didn't. I chose not to after talking to my attorney. He told me it would just really traumatize my daughter."

The Corpus Christi woman, who asked not to be identified, said she did confront Plaisted and his wife, who were neighbors in 1984, when her daughter was allegedly molested while spending the night with one of Plaisted's daughters.

""He did not deny it," she said. ""He said he could have done it

in his sleep."

Plaisted's wife laughingly added that she and her husband often made love at night, and he would not remember the next morning, the woman said.

The woman, who was also a member of the Parkdale Baptist Church, recalled telling church officials later about Plaisted's molestations.

""But it didn't seem to make any difference," she said. ""The church really backed him up, and a lot of people left the church after that."

Plaisted's attorney, Doug Tinker, refused to allow the Chronicle to interview his client. The criminal defense lawyer, who earlier this year represented Yolanda Saldivar, who was convicted of murdering Tejano star Selena, declined to discuss the Plaisted case.

The victims' families have since sued the church for negligence, but Parkdale's lawyer argues the congregation should not be held responsible for Plaisted's actions.

""It would be the church's wish to get this thing resolved without causing any additional hurt to anyone," said attorney Van Huseman. But he added, ""If a child gets molested in the middle of the service, how does that get to be the pastor's fault?"

Plaisted - a Nebraska native who served in the Army in Vietnam -came to Corpus Christi in 1982 with impeccable credentials, having earned his doctorate in clinical and child psychology from Auburn University in Alabama in 1981.

He quickly built a private practice, and over the years, developed a good reputation as an expert on brain dysfunction.

The Corpus Christi school district, along with local pediatricians, eagerly supplied him with young patients - even after he had been publicly charged. Members of the church also sought his help, and he had hospital privileges at the prestigious Driscoll Children's Hospital, a South Texas institution known both for quality care and charity.

Neighbors described Plaisted as pleasant, reserved, well-spoken. He was methodical, they said, and liked to work on projects around the house.

Plaisted recruited some of his victims from broken homes, showering the children with gifts, inviting them and their parents to Thanksgiving dinners. One 9-year-old girl who spent the night with Plaisted's daughter told prosecutors the psychologist molested her on the sofa in his living room while he and the children watched the movie "Home Alone"

on video.

He curried favor with his victims' parents by lending them money and refusing repayment, or by buying them air conditioners and other gifts. One mother even acted as a character witness for the therapist during the Alvarado trial, unaware that her own child was being molested.

""The bottom line is this guy had complaints filed against him at the psychology board - and they are serious - and the board doesn't notify the school about the complaints," said Jerry Boswell, director of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, a group funded by the Church of Scientology (SEE CORRECTION) that documents cases such as Plaisted's. ""And the school is still referring children to this guy."

Corpus Christi school administrators said they used Plaisted infrequently for psychological testing of students, although school records and correspondence indicate he was a consultant from 1983 until he was indicted for child sexual assault in late 1992.

School administrators have identified records of five students referred to him for psychological testing between 1985 and 1992. There are no records prior to 1985.

School board President Henry Nuss, who has served on the board for seven years, said he first heard of the Plaisted case when he was contacted by the Houston Chronicle last week.

""We certainly should be more selective in who we're using," he said.

After Plaisted was charged in the Alvarado case in April 1986, Robert J. Garcia, the school district's special education director, wrote to the state psychology board to ask about the psychologist's record. The agency's executive director replied that Plaisted's license had been suspended, but because the psychologist was in the process of suing to get it back, he remained licensed to practice. The letter gave no details about the nature of the complaints.

""He was given a clean bill of health by the only agency that had anything to say about it," said Dr. Adrian Haston, a psychologist who coordinates the school district's psychological services, and who, years ago, shared an office with Plaisted.

Haston emphasized that none of the schoolchildren referred to Plaisted were molested. ""And we never had anything untoward, any problems of that sort," he said.

Asked why the district would risk using a psychologist once accused of being a child molester, Haston replied, ""This is something the district did, and you can ask the director of special education why."

Garcia said in a recent telephone interview that he could not remember whether he knew about the child molestation charges at the time he wrote to the psychology board.

""All I know is we asked for what his status was and they said he could still practice," he said. ""We knew he was under review, but we didn't know what for.

""Look, the state board of psychologists, they're the ones that allowed him to continue to practice," Garcia added angrily.

""If anyone should be asked as to why this guy was allowed to continue, it should be the state board of psychology."

Pressed for further details, Garcia abruptly ended the interview and hung up the phone.

Although Plaisted was acquitted in August 1986 in the Alvarado case, the psychology board continued its investigation and ruled in November of that year that Plaisted had violated professional standards.

The board officially suspended his license for two years, but said he would be allowed to resume his practice in three months.

Meanwhile, Plaisted challenged the suspension in state district court in Austin, arguing the psychology board had unfairly considered allegations that had not been introduced during his hearing, denying him the opportunity to defend himself against them. The judge agreed, and in January 1987 reversed Plaisted's suspension.

While the board was investigating Plaisted's case, they were contacted by Corpus Christi psychologist George Kramer.

Kramer, who had hired Plaisted in 1982 before Plaisted was licensed, told the board to subpoena records of the state Department of Human Resources. It did, and found other instances of alleged molestation by Plaisted.

In April 1989, the board reached an agreement with the psychologist that allowed him to keep his license if he agreed to be supervised for 11/2years. Plaisted was to treat children only in the presence of an associate or in a location where he could be observed by a television monitor. He also was to pay to have Corpus Christi psychologist Joseph Horvat supervise his casework.

Horvat met with Plaisted weekly, but after a year - convinced that Plaisted was doing nothing wrong - he recommended the supervision be terminated six months early. The board decided to continue the supervision.

""I have found no evidence in any way, shape or form of any behavior on his part which could be in any way construed as unprofessional or unethical," Horvat wrote to the board.

Included in one of his reports to the board was a review of Plaisted's treatment of an 8-year-old girl - a child Plaisted was later charged with molesting.

The board's general counsel, Barbara Holthaus, acknowledged past actions taken by the agency were inadequate.

""With hindsight, of course it wasn't appropriate, because look at what happened," Holthaus said. But she said the board has since added lay people to its ranks and has a new, tougher state law giving it better enforcement powers.

""Now, if we get a report that a psychologist is molesting a client, we can go before a judge and say we want to temporarily suspend the license," she said.

Holthaus said the board has filed a motion to revoke Plaisted's license, but Plaisted is fighting it.

""It's all kind of moot, because he's incarcerated," she said.

Soon after Plaisted completed his board-ordered supervision, Corpus Christi police received new information from state child welfare workers that Plaisted had been molesting girls at his office, in church and at home in his hot tub.

Former detective Eric Michalak, who now works in Colorado, remembered taking the Plaisted case to a Nueces County assistant district attorney for prosecution.

""He wanted to get a warrant for the doctor and arrest him, because we had very strong evidence against him," Michalak said. ""We had multiple victims and you had a guy in the position he was in, where he had access to all these victims.

You would want to take quick action rather than let it go on for so long."

The prosecutor was overruled by then-District Attorney Grant Jones, Michalak said. ""(Jones) just said, `We're not getting a warrant. We're taking our time.' He wanted the kids reinterviewed by one of the prosecutors.

""Any time you go after someone like that, there's a lot of politics that come into play," Michalak added. ""Instead of stepping in right then, and bringing it out in the open and taking it to a grand jury (for indictment), they delayed."

Jones contends that any delay in prosecution was an effort ""to tie the case down tight. We didn't want to lose him twice,"

said Jones, on whose watch Plaisted was acquitted in the Alvarado case.

Jones called it ""outrageous" the psychology board still hasn't revoked Plaisted's license.

""They should have done it in 1986," he said. ""What they want to do is wait around until you go to trial and you convict him, and then they come in behind your conviction and revoke his license. Well, what's he doing in the meantime? He could be out in the community molesting kids for two years."

Michalak said the case was finally taken to the grand jury several months later after he leaked the information about Plaisted's investigation to the local media.

""It was taking too long, and it wasn't being handled like another case," he said. ""And it was because he was so prominent in the community."

Plaisted was finally indicted in Corpus Christi in October 1992. He posted bond, closed his practice in Corpus Christi, and negotiated an agreement with the psychology board to place his license on inactive status until he could prove his innocence.

He then moved to Boston, where he enrolled in Boston University Law School and successfully completed his first year of studies by May 1994.

While in law school, Plaisted began calling a former patient - the girl whose treatment Horvat had reviewed in Corpus Christi. Plaisted convinced the girl's mother - who was also a patient of his - to bring the girl to Boston for additional therapy.

Plaisted's plans were foiled when a policeman setting up a speed trap in his neighborhood accidentally intercepted on his police radio a sexually explicit telephone call between the girl and Plaisted, who was using a cordless phone.

FBI agents were called in, six other calls were taped, and Plaisted was arrested on June 3, 1994, after he met the girl, then 13, and her mother at the train station and took them to a budget motel.

""The mother wasn't aware" of the molestations, said Adolfo Aguilo, an assistant Nueces County district attorney. ""The mother had a borderline personality disorder - she developed dependency on people -and unfortunately for her the person she developed a dependency on was Dr. Plaisted."

Sgt. Michael Harpster, a police detective from suburban Boston who helped arrest Plaisted, described him as ""very congenial, almost shy."

""He'd answer questions very courteously, but he didn't show any outward signs of knowing the seriousness of the situation," Harpster said.

Last January, Plaisted was sentenced by a federal judge in Boston to a two-year prison term after he pleaded guilty to transporting a minor across state lines to engage in illegal sexual activity.

The Corpus Christi conviction and sentence came almost a year later.

In the end, Plaisted admitted molesting four victims. But prosecutors say no one will ever know how many others failed to come forward.

""I imagine there could be several other victims. Through his practice and the church he probably had access over the years to thousands of children," said Aguilo, the Corpus Christi prosecutor who eventually secured Plaisted's guilty plea.

""To me, any kid that came in contact with this guy was a victim in some way or another," added Michalak.

When Plaisted was sentenced last month, it was a bitter emotional meeting for many of his young victims and their parents, who had been called as witnesses in case Plaisted decided against the plea bargain.

Parents said Plaisted stood up straight, held his head high and looked the judge in the eye. And when he saw the relatives of his former victims, he acted as if he were attending a reunion of old friends, they said. One parent said Plaisted looked as if he thought they were there as supporters or character witnesses.

""He turned around and gave the families a big smile," Alvarado said. ""I couldn't believe it."

Alvarado, who sued Plaisted in civil court, has received a settlement for an undisclosed amount. Her son, now a teen-ager, is still struggling with his past abuse, she said, and she continues to feel betrayed by those who would not join her in speaking out years ago.

""I told them if they had helped me in the beginning, none of this would have happened," she said.

Plaisted timeline

Key dates in the career of Dr. James R. Plaisted:

January 1983: Licensed to practice psychology in Texas.

October 1984: Investigated by Texas Department of Human Resources for allegedly molesting a neighbor's child.

April 1986: Charged in criminal case for allegedly fondling a boy during therapy.

August 1986: Acquitted by jury in Corpus Christi.

October 1992: Indicted for sexual abuse of three Corpus Christi girls.

December 1992: Closed Corpus Christi office; moved to Boston to begin law school.

June 1994: Arrested by FBI agents for luring a 13-year-old former Corpus Christi patient to Boston.

January 1995: Indicted by Corpus Christi grand jury on three counts of aggravated sexual assault for incidents years earlier involving the same girl.

January 1995: Sentenced to two years in federal prison in Boston case.

Dec. 7, 1995: Sentenced to 40 years in state prison by a Corpus Christi judge after pleading guilty to five counts of aggravated sexual assault of a child.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

South Texas Judicial Watch Dog Authority: Dear Officers of the Court, submitted for further investigation

South Texas Judicial Watch Dog Authority: Dear Officers of the Court, submitted for further investigation

In Re: State v Villa

Do a little research on Del Mar College's in house counsel, Sean Meredeth, DMC Auditorium, Ballet Nacional, little girls, Joe Alaniz, and the relationship with our DA

Why is this evidence not included in the current prosecution of Villa?

Why not drag the whole bunch down to the Courthouse?

Friends of the Prosecution or not, enough of the selective prosecutions. Plaisted, Applebee, and the one's who covered it up at Parkdale Baptist & St Joseph's here in the Jurisdiction of the Nueces County / 105th District Attorney. Zealously

Possible Brady Material?

Does this material not merit a Grand Jury Investigation?

Pervert in Auditorium

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Inaction Allowed Abuser To Roam For 10 Years.

Inaction Allowed Abuser To Roam For 10 Years. It took 10 years to jail James Plaisted for sexual abuse.

The child psychologist and deacon of Parkdale Baptist Church was first accused of sexual abuse in 1985 by a 6 year old patient. No action was taken when the boy's mother told other parents, the church and even schools officials about the abuse. Plaisted was acquitted in 1986 when he told a jury that the child was a habitual liar and a pyromaniac who derived sexual excitement from setting fires.

The "respected" psychologist was eagerly supplied with young patients referred by the Corpus Christi school district and local pediatricians. He was sentenced to 2 years in prison last January for a federal offense of transporting a minor across state lines to engage in illegal sexual activity. Nearly a year later Plaisted pleaded guilty to 5 counts of aggravated sexual assault against 4 girls and was sentenced to 40 years in state prison.

Court records indicate Plaisted was so brazen that he escorted girls into church and fondled them under his coat during the sermon. Source: Houston Chronicle 1/14/96